Childfree Phenomenon in Indonesia

Sitti Muliya Rizka, Taat Kurnita Yeniningsih, Mutmainnah Mutmainnah, Yuhasriati Yuhasriati


Childfree is different from childless; Parents who decide to be childfree are those who
choose not to have children even though they have good economic and biological
adequacy. While childless usually refers to those who want to become parents but
cannot because of certain biological reasons. Being a parent requires careful preparation.
The childfree phenomenon is developing in Indonesia. This phenomenon began to be
discussed in the midst of the general public and caused many pros and cons in society
regarding the freedom to have children. Based on data released by the World Bank, the
trend of birth rate in Indonesia continues to decline, even in 2019 the crude birth rate
per 1,000 population issued by the BPS where there is a decrease in the population
growth rate. The benefits of the decision without children can be optimal only if adopted
by a small number of people. This is because each profit tends to decrease as the
number of people using the same strategy increases.
Keywords: Childfree, marriage, reason of childfree

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