The aim of this study is to find out the sources of language exposures which affected students’ knowledge of collocations. This study underlies a qualitative approach. The informants chosen by using random sampling, was a Year 12 class with 24 students from Senior High School near Meulaboh in West Aceh. The researchers obtained the data by using a language exposure questionnaire (promoted by and a collocation C-test. The data analysis concluded that (1) students who got a lot of exposures tend to have more knowledge of collocation, (2) even though language exposures are crucial, not every source of the exposures had the same effect in improving collocation knowledge, and (3) exposures from home, school, and some media had a huge impact on their collocation knowledge especially from chatting online and sending and receiving text messages. With the regard of findings, it might be a good reference to understand the sources that influence collocation acquisition in order to build the memory-banks of collocations of students learning English. The further studies are suggested to correlate pedagogical analysis of language acquisition to students’ structural abilities.
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