This study aims at examining if the use of mind mapping technique can improve students' ability in writing skill at grade XI of SMA Labschool Unsyiah, Banda Aceh. It focused on how the students are able to organize idea and write a good analytical exposition text as one of text types taught in senior high school within Indonesian EFL context. To cope with the difficulties encountered by the students in writing the text, pre experimental study of one group pretest-posttest design employed by using simple random sampling. In order to collect the data in this study, the researchers administrated the test in the form of written test to elicit the data related to students’ writing ability. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic to depict the attained data and inferential statistic to prove the research hypothesis. From the results of data reveal that the mean score of posttest is higher than the mean score of pretest (53.8>26.9) as well as the value of t-test is higher than t-value (10.92>1.721). It obviously means that the use of mind mapping technique has given a significant impact to improve pupils’ writing skill in writing analytical exposition text.
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