Sri Wahyuni, Rosdiana Rossdiana, Siti Sarah Fitriani


This experimental study investigates the implementation of Role Play technique in improving speaking skill of students studying at the English Language Education Department of STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena, Banda Aceh – Indonesia. Fifteen students enrolling in Speaking 1 subject, academic year 2015/2016 were chosen as the samples to participate in the treatment. Pre-test and post-test were respectively given for these students prior to and after the treatment. Based on the analysis of t-test, the result shows that the t-score was 8.51, and the critical value of the t-score for the degree of freedom of the samples was 2.14 at the level of significance 0.05%. Since the t-score was higher than t-table (2.14), hence, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. The result indicates that the implementation of Role Play technique is beneficial for the students to improve speaking skill.


Role Play Technique; speaking skill

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