Rafidah Abd Karim, Abdul Ghani Abu, Farah Natchiar Mohd Khaja


Brainstorming approach is the key to working through a problem, breaking down ideas and finding the best way to solve an issue. This approach is by far the most essential step to solving any problem and it is even more effective when done by using mind maps. Mind maps have long been used as a teaching tool. Evidently, mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas. They have also been used to study and organize information, solving problems, making decisions and writing. Basically, writing is a way of expressing thoughts, and good writing comes from good thinking and preparation (Harmer, 2001). In order for students to write something, it seems workable to offer them the opportunities to think about the topic in question. Through brainstorming activities, students can be guided to overcome some problems that they face in writing tasks. This paper discusses the value of brainstorming and mind mapping as approaches that can help students in their writing process. The paper also explores the use of technology in facilitating brainstorming and mind mapping activities. 


Brainstorming; mind mapping; writing; approach; activity

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