Understanding of Language Laboratory Staff in Javanese Arabic Script

Allif Syahputra Bania, Najihatul Faridy, Bachtiar Akob, Nuraini Nuraini


Javanese Arabic script is a written spelling that uses Malay as writing related to culture in the archipelago, especially in Muslim-majority areas such as the Veranda of Mecca in Aceh in terms of writing scripts and laws. The influence of the growing shift in use from the Javanese Arabic script to the use of Latin script since the 20th century has made the continuity of the Javanese Arabic script lose its strategic role and even the Malay community no longer has the ability to use the majority Javanese Arabic vocabulary. Efforts are needed to maintain the cultural heritage and language of this Malay community to maintain Javanese Arabic scripts. This research is descriptive-qualitative. Participants in this study were all staff in the language laboratory. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires containing questions about understanding the Javanese Arabic script. In the language laboratory have information and interest in learning the Javanese Arabic script and have positive thoughts for the continued preservation of this script. Regarding reading ability, it is good, but it is different in terms of writing ability, which is a very low percentage.


Javanese Arabic; script; staff; understanding

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