Pharmacy Students' Vocabulary Acquisition: Review on Conventional- based and Technology-based Teaching Strategies

Ardiana Sari, Dery Singkawati Rahmi, Utami Widiati


For pharmacy students, acquiring English-for-specific-purpose (ESP) vocabulary is very crucial. They must use the right terminology because mistakes in the medical field can easily be harmful. ESP teachers, therefore, have a role in strengthening students’ vocabulary acquisition, which can be done by selecting and adapting teaching strategies which are both motivating and suitable for pharmacy students. Such significance of selecting suitable strategies has prompted us to question what kinds of teaching strategies have been employed thus far and how effective the strategies are in facilitating the acquisition of pharmacy students’ vocabulary. We employed a systematic literature review to address these two questions. We had identified 200 articles from database searching. Then, fifteen articles met the selection criteria. The articles were selected by initial identification, screening, eligibility, and final inclusion. The inclusion and exclusion criteria focus on the articles published within the 2018-2023 timeframe in Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The quality of the articles was analyzed through Effective Public Health Practice Project tool and Critical Appraisal Skills Program checklist. The data from the fifteen selected articles were analyzed by reviewing and coding based on seven codes: the publication year, the kinds of strategies (conventional-based (CB) and technology-based (TB) strategies), aims, methodology, result, and implication of the articles. The analysis uncovers that CB strategy is the most frequently used in the last five years. Both CB and TB give a positive impact positive implication on pharmacy students’ vocabulary acquisition. In addition, both strategies proved their effectiveness in improving pharmacy students’ vocabulary acquisition.


Conventional strategy; pharmacy; technology strategy; vocabulary acquisition

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