The Forgotten Role of Enduring Understanding in English Language Teaching: Concepts, Principles, and Practical Applications

Yonathan Winardi, Wiputra Cendana, Devita Devita


This paper aims to elaborate the concepts, principles, and practical applications of enduring understanding in English language teaching (ELT). 24 years ago, enduring understanding was introduced and has been adopted widely in international curriculum and educators with promising benefits and opportunities, yet it is lacking evidence in Indonesia as well as in the practice of ELT in Indonesia. Research result was hardly found in Indonesia’s official digital database and national reputable ELT journals. There is a need to explore existing practice and reintroduce enduring understanding as a proposed solution for challenges in ELT. So, using qualitative approach, data collected from teacher educators, alumnae, and also pre-service teachers in the English language education department using Microsoft Form in one private university. The results show that enduring understanding concepts and principles are still needed to be clarified and emphasized for both English teacher educators and students. Four practical applications are strongly encouraged for students in their practicum and alumnae as novice English teachers in their reciprocation stage.


Enduring understanding; English language teaching; pre-service teachers; worldview

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