Familiarization of Transforming Assessment and Recognition of Complex Learning Competencies in English Language Teaching

Novi Nur Lailisna


As the ambition from educators around the globe in responding the rapid changes in the sense of knowledge and technology, there must be transformation and recognition for both assessment and competence for complex learning. This paper is recently talking about the familiarization of that transforming assessment and recognition of complex competencies focusing at English Language Teaching (ELT). Using the design of qualitative research, this study is interpretative research. Figuring out some experts such as Sandra Milligan; this study would seek to understand participants’ point of view about transforming assessment and recognition of complex learning competencies especially for students at Religious College for Islamic Studies in Indonesia. In addition, the researcher is going to seek how that topic get related to ELT. This issues actually is presented to gaining depth understanding about learning English and its assets. The final results in ELT is the students’ success in comprehend English, so, they are able to become student-future who having resilience and sustainability for global change.


Complex learning competencies; ELT; transforming assessment

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