Learning Materials Development and Assessment Rubric of Creative Reading Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Bahasa Indonesia at Junior High School
The current study contains some goals: (1) analysing the need of teachers of Bahasa Indonesia at Grade VII Junior High School (SMP/MTS) in relation to the learning materials and rubric of assessment of creative reading based on HOTS; (2) developing the relevant instruments of learning materials and the rubric of assessment; and (3) experimenting (try-out and revision) the constructed assessment accordingly. The study employed a research development model by Borg & Gall in combination with Kemp’s model. The sources of data were the teachers of Bahasa Indonesia and students at grade VII from two junior high schools (conventional and Islamic schools) in the city of Banda Aceh. The sources of data were taken through purposive sampling that involved methods of document analysis, interview, and observation. The research underwent three interrelated developmental phases: need analysis, designing, and prototyping via implementation, as well as assessment. Based on the outcome of the analysis of the first phase, some needs were identified from three instruments of learning materials and the rubric of assessment of creative reading. Next, they were synthesized with HOTS in the second phase. Last, the third phase is small-group tryout and revision in conjunction with classroom tryout and recursive revision. The result of the analysis shows that the three instruments along with the rubric of assessment of creative reading were developed with the principles of validity, reliability, and compatibility to the teachers’ needs. Therefore, the instruments can be disseminated and replicated in a broader context.
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