An Inquiry into the Impact of Contextual Teaching and Learning on Students English Writing Performance in Indonesian EFL Classroom

Ilmiah ilmiah, Nursyam Nursyam


With the recent demand of innovative solutions to Indonesia’s education, teachers must push themselves to explore new ways of fostering students’ academic achievement. This study aims to explore Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in Second language acquisition emphasizing on students' English writing performance in Indonesian higher education. The data were collected through interview and then analyzed using Miles and Huberman's qualitative data analysis technique namely data collection, data display, data condensation, and drawing conclusion. The selected samples of this study consisted of one lecturer at Makassar Muhammadiyah University and the students studying under the lecturer who employed CTL based instruction in teaching paragraph writing. The lecturer employs REACT strategy to adapt during the COVID-19 outbreak. The fact that learning activities suddenly changing during Covid-19 outbreak, makes students and lecturers engage in online learning. However, in the online learning, it is difficult to ensure the cooperation between students discussing their answers. The implication of the research in pedagogical aspect is the urgency of the teacher makes classroom learning meaningful for students by applying REACT Strategy. The decision for the use of this strategy there are stages that help English teachers to contextualize the students' learning especially in paragraph writing from the beginning of the material delivery to the stage where students are able to transfer their newly-learned materials to their writing.


Contextual Teaching and Learning; paragraph writing; REACT strategy

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