Revolutionizing Academic Writing Support: The Efficacy of Online & Onsite Academic Writing Center Programs

Meilisa Sindy Astika Ariyanto, Faiqoh Agustin


Academic Writing Center (AWC) is a relatively new concept in Indonesia, with the inception of digital initiatives (one-on-one online writing consultation, online writing workshops, or online short courses in English writing) having occurred more recently. This study aims to address the assessment of online and onsite English Writing Bootcamp classes in one of the earliest established writing centers in Indonesia. To evaluate the online and onsite classes, learning goals for the English writing class are adopted in the form of pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire forms. The questionnaire results are then analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test to evaluate whether each class is an effective learning support for the students. Additionally, the study examines disparities between online and onsite classes using Mann Whitney-U test, and highlights students’ feedback for prospective improvements in teaching and learning. The findings provide crucial insights for policymakers and practitioners in designing and implementing effective adaptation strategies to mitigate students' writing challenges in higher education.


Academic writing center; higher education; learning goals questionnaire; online writing class

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