Writing Skills: Impact of Flipped Digital Classroom and Student Engagement

Farida Ariani, Martin Kustati, Nurtati Nurtati, Reflianto Reflianto, David D Perrodin


The study explores how integrating digital-based learning with the Flipped classroom methods using Google Classroom and social media can enhance English writing proficiency. Specifically, the study focused on the efficacy of the Flipped Digital Classroom (FDC) approach in promoting student engagement and improving English writing skills. The FDC group had access to pre-recorded lectures, reading materials, and online writing assignments before in-class sessions, while the control group followed a conventional lecture-based approach. The results showed that the FDC method significantly improved academic achievement in English writing, and there was an interaction effect between the instructional method and levels of student engagement. Therefore, it is recommended that English teachers and lecturers adopt the FDC method to enhance student engagement and writing skills.


Flipped digital classroom; student engagement; writing skills

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