Undergraduate Students’ Experiences in Using Blog as a Mean for Developing English Writing Ability
Blogging has been integrated as a tool for EFL students to practice writing. This paper aims to investigate how undergraduate EFL students experienced blogging as a means to develop their writing skills in English. This study used a systematic review to analyze several previous journals published in the last ten years on using blogs in writing skills. Following the PRISMA guidelines, studies that examined using blog to develop English writing ability among university-level students worldwide were identified through a computerized literature search using databases, 16 from Publish or Perish and 14 from Google Scholar. The following search terms were used: Blog AND writing Skill, using a blog to teach writing, blog AND writing Undergraduate students, and writing in a blog. Peer-reviewed articles published within the period from 2014 to 2023 were selected. Studies that reported undergraduate students’ experiences in blogging and their strategies and motivation were included. Extracted data from each study were tabulated, and data were narratively synthesized. The study concluded that writing blogs could improve learners' writing skills, enhance their writing motivation, and foster both learners' monitoring strategies.
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