Maulida Shanti Yusuf, Abdul Halim bin Masnan, Qismullah Yusuf


This study examined the teaching practices of non-early childhood education (ECE) teachers in preschools in Banda Aceh. The objective of this study is to explore the teaching practices of non-ECE teachers including input, process, and output. This case study involves observations, interviews and document analysis toward four non-ECE teachers. Observations were conducted on the implementation of non-ECE teacher teaching activities using an observation sheet. The non-ECE teachers' opinions of teaching practices were identified through interviews. While the analysis of the document in the form of a daily lesson plan (DLP). The results of this study found that there are two aspects that have been fulfilled in the input of teaching practices based on the Slavin model (1994) that are the quality of instruction teachers who follow the DLP that has been provided by adjusting teaching methods and student learning styles, as well as the incentive given by the teacher so that students are eager to learn. However, teachers are still difficult to adjust the level of instructions with the students' ability; in addition, the time was not enough to complete all learning activities. The results also show that teachers apply scaffolding techniques to help students who have a different level of ability with other students in the learning process. Meanwhile, this study found the output of non-ECE teacher teaching practices, such as storytelling method, is able to improve self-confidence and public speaking ability, while scaffolding technique can help students with special needs in learning. However, the results of this study indicate that there is still a lack of knowledge of non-ECE teachers related to early childhood education. Therefore, non-ECE teachers are expected to improve their performance as educators.

Keywords: Teaching Practices, Non-Early Childhood Education Teacher, Preschool Teacher

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ISBN 978-623-7086-17-8