Yusra Mayawati, Qismullah Yusuf


This study will depict or describe the implementation of the curriculum used in character building and the implementation of waste management, developing children's responsibility in the early life of children. The research took place in Bayyinah Pre School Play Group & Kindergarten, Aceh. Indonesian, with two teachers of early childhood and 20 Children, ages between five to six. This research activity as a whole was implemented for one month at the kindergarten. Survey and observation were conducted prior to compiling documents for this study. The data were recorded using digital cameras for motion pictures or for still pictures. The results showed that there are various factors that influence the character in waste management. Among those are family, environment, and education that setting children characters. However, the major finding from this study concerns teachers competencies which comprise their attitude, skills, and knowledge to facilitate the development of children character at waste management. Teachers in this study demonstrate their competencies in the teaching and learning process. Teachers expand their instructional strategy and make active attempts to include all of their students by incorporating multiple teaching instruction techniques which include group work, individual assignment, and practices.  To acquire knowledge and skills in enhancing teaching and learning or instructional strategy, the teachers need to equip themselves with the latest information about the waste management issue and the curricula. Finally, recommendations are aimed at parents who should provide more examples in getting children to throw garbage in the right place and to increase the motivation of children in participating in waste house program activities

Keywords: Characters, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, School Culture

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ISBN 978-623-7086-17-8