Phaosan Jehwae, Susy Deliani, Yahaya Niwae


This paper discusses about the role of Malay language, the role of pesantren and universities as well as the challenges in the globalization era in Southern Thailand. Malay here is not merely a means of communication but it is much more than that. It cannot be separated from the Malay community in Patani. Patani has a long and challenging history, but the Malay language remains an important issue. Although Patani is not a Malay region in the archipelago but the Patani community maintains their identity as Malay speakers. Pesantrens and colleges in Patani play an important role in preserving the Malay language. Various Thai government policies has been directly or indirectly trying to remove and undermine the Malay language from Thailand since Patani became a part of it with various political policies of Siamization, but fortunately the efforts were not exactly successful. This is proven by the fact that Malay language is still actively spoken by the Patani community and has become a compulsory language throughout the pesantrens up until today. Since the ongoing security crisis, the government has begun to see the importance of Malay language for the Patani community by including the Malay curriculum in public primary and secondary schools.


Malay language; Malay community; Patani; challenges

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