Mohamad Saleeh bin Rahamad


Literature does not appear from vacuum, but took shape from culture that envelops it and at the same instance became a catalyst for the development of culture itself. The symbiotic relationship between literature and culture had become natural, which should be nourished so as to establish a continuum that would be beneficial to the society. As an aspirational platform and society’s world view that gave birth to it, literary work accommodate the value of wisdom of such a society.  The source of wisdom is disseminated by the author so as to validate and prove their identity amidst the competition with several social groups which are multifarious, unidentifiable and multi-cultural. In the Malaysian atmosphere, literature does not only function as a local civilizational catalyst but could rejuvenate regional civilization. This is so because Malaysia is located in the middle of the Archipelago that synonymously becomes the reception centre for the growth of wisdom that comes from various sources – ethnic, religion and nationalism.  Rightfully, this article will discuss the potential of Malaysia playing the role as a hub for regional wisdom due to its closeness and intimate racial relationship with other nations such as Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, Kampuchea (Champa Malay) and the Philippines (southern).


Literature; regional wisdom; Malaysia

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