Esti Ismawati, Warsito Warsito


This study aims to describe the content of local wisdom in Javanese literary works as teaching material for Literature Teaching courses in the Bachelor’s degree Indonesian Language and Literature Teacher Education program. The problems to be solved are, ‘How the manifestation of local wisdom are in old Javanese poetry (parikan, saloka, wangsalan, tembang) and new/modern Javanese poetry (geguritan) classification of Suripan Sadi Hutomo (period of 1940-1950, period of 1950-1960, period of 1960-1970, and the period of 1970-1980)?’ (The period from 1980 to 2000 can be said that there is no change in structure or theme in modern Javanese poetry), and ‘Are the Javanese literary works worthy of teaching material?’ The method used is descriptive with hermeneutic reading techniques. From the results of the analysis and discussion it can be concluded that the form of local wisdom in Javanese literary works, both old and new/modern is in the form of linguistic expressions that contain high life philosophical meaning and they are proper to be presented as teaching materials because they contain moral messages that are very good (adiluhung) for peaceful and sustainable life in the real world.


Local wisdom; hermeneutics; Javanese literary works; teaching materials

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14399

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