Nurhadi BW, Kusmarwanti Noe, Dian Swandayani


Based on reviews from Indonesian national newspapers: Kompas, Republika, Koran Tempo, Koran Sindo, and Media Indonesia, there are at least 15 review articles or anthology poetry reviews during the year of 2016. Of the 15 articles, are related to the anthology of poetry reviews of recent poems written by contemporary poets as well as a number of previous generations of poets. In addition, the theme or setting is mostly about Indonesia, although there are themed or set up areas such as Aceh, and overseas theme such as South Korea. In this year there is also a review of poetry anthology Winner of DKJ (Dewan Kesenian Jakarta) Poetry Competition Manuscripts in 2015. The rubric of the book review articles on Indonesian national newspapers like this can be an indicator in following the development of up-to-date Indonesian literature.


Poetry; contemporary; responses; reviews; newspaper

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