Nia Astuti, Hayatun Fauza, Yuhafliza Yuhafliza


The learning process of millennial children cannot be separated from the influence of digital technology. Some various programs are offered through educational themed applications, both paid and free. One of them is literary learning media which is packaged in videos and interesting applications that attract millennial children in the learning process. In language learning, literary is considered as important learning because literary learning can help to shape the character of millennial children. Literature as a result of human artwork in the form of oral or written has a certain meaning and beauty. This writing aims to describe the success of digital-based literary learning that can motivate millennial children in optimizing the values of education in their life. This writing will broadly discuss two crucial issues, namely, 1) the strategy of developing digital-based literary learning materials, and 2) an effort to optimize the values of education through literary learning.


Digital-based,; literature; learning

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