Sugiarti Sugiarti


Space is culturally produced through cultural actions and interventions in a community. Therefore, a clash of meaning takes place in spaces. The act of giving meaning relies on the cultural-ecological dimension of the community invested in it. This study aims to explain (1) the facts of space presented in Glonggong novel, and (2) the functions of space in Glonggong novel that influence the lives of the characters. Both are pivotal because the Javanese view of life has cultural-ecological dimensions that are different from the concepts of perceiving reality of the space adapted by modern mankind. This study has employed a cultural-ecological approach with the emphasis on the local cultural conventions in interpreting the surrounding reality. The type of research used is qualitative using a descriptive-dialectical approach. The research data source is Glonggong novel by Junaedi Setiyono. The data are in the form of narrations, dialogues, thoughts, and interactions among the characters that show Javanese cultural imaginary space. The data analysis has been conducted by following the stages of data classification, data reduction, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study indicate that the fact of space unites the Javanese cultural realm in the imaginary space that is built through interconnected narrative stories. Both have different interests based on the author’s perspective as the creator of a literary product. This space fact refers to the position of the characters in portraying themselves in a life struggle. The function of space has an orientation on the power that dominates a thought or an action that has a positive or negative impact. Also, space has a special function for the characters in living life.


Cultural ecology; power function; space imagination

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