Moh. Karmin Baruadi, Sunarty Eraku


Customhouse is part of cultural diversity as a building with unique characteristics of a region. It symbolizes a certain region, Gorontalo custom house; Banthayo Poboide also has this unique characteristic. This traditional house is located in Limboto sub-district of Gorontalo regency. Currently, this traditional house serves as storage for historical ornaments and tools with no specific activity. Therefore, preservation is needed by turning Bantayo Poboide into one of the cultural performance sites to showcase Gorontalo culture to its community, especially to the young generation. Therefore, there was a need to study the local culture (folklore) and local people’s knowledge of the existence and the story behind the establishment of Bantayo Poboide. This study aims at studying the folklore on Bantayo Poboide through folklore approach in Gorontalo regency. The data collected using field survey and interview with descriptive analysis. The result shows that the words Bantayo Poboide were derived from the word bantayo, which means hall and poboide, which means discussions and deliberation. Governance system within Bantayo Poboide is based on kinship which based on three groups which consist of (a) Wombu and Dile groups who lead the government, (b) Tiyombu group which consists of Baate who mandated to lead the customs and customary law, and (c) Tilo Tiyamo group who are representative of the community. The implication of this study is to preserve Bantayo Poboide as a cultural tourism object so that it can be informed back to the community at this time to be used as learning about the local content of Gorontalo.


Culture; folklore; cultural potential; local content

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