Herman RN, Mukhlis A. Hamid


Identity education is a teaching about human characteristics and identity in a community. This study focused on describing how the identity of Acehnese which reflected in nurseryrhyme became as the concept of character education in the Acehnese society since early childhood. The nurseryrhyme in this study refers to the poem which called doda idi or also called peuayon aneuk poem. This poem usually sing by a mother when she try to make her child sleep in a swing or in bed. To analyze the meaning of the lyric, a qualitative descriptive method was used with the hermeneutic approach offered by Palmer (2003). The source of data in this study is the lyricsdoda idipoem. The texts are taken from various districts/cities in Aceh in order to make a comprehensive conclusion about the concept of character education in the form of identity education delivered through the nursery rhyme. The results of the study indicate that the identity of the Acehnese is listed in the lyric doda idi which has been introduced to every child since he was still an infant and toodler. This knowledge is used as a concept of character education which is described in two forms: (1) character education in the form of humanitirian relations, (2) character education in the form of fostering human relations with God. This concept includes 18 character values formulated by the Ministry of Education and Culture. In Aceh’s wisdom, besides containing 18 values of character education, the concept of character education is strengthened by the prayers (doa) spoken by the mother in the nursery rhymeof doda idi.


Identity education; wisdom; aceh; doda idi; nursery rhyme

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