Novi Anoegrajekti, Sudartomo Macaryus, Asrumi Asrumi


Folk stories are one of the knowledge that are supported by the supporting community. The story generally relates to history, the natural environment, characters, events and wonders. Gandrung’s traditional arts and Seblang Olehsari and Bakungan rituals have traces of events that have until now become narratives that are still lived by the supporting community. Some are stored in people’s memories and need documentation to be stored and can be inherited and developed across generations. It becomes imperative because in each story contains values and moral messages that are worthy to be passed on to the next generation. In addition, documented folklore is a historical record of the cultural journey of the community, especially how people interact, interpret, and live out various phenomena that exist in their environment. The ethnographic research method begins with collecting library data. Furthermore, it is equipped with field data obtained by observing, participating, and in-depth interviews with key informants, namely the head of the customary, cultural observer, and the perpetrators of the traditional Gandrung art and Seblang rituals. The results of the research show that some folklores have not been documented and are deemed necessary to be documented in accordance with the knowledge and appreciation of the supporting community. The stories lived by the community relate to the natural environment, character and life of the ladies and gentlemen.


Folk stories; literacy; value; production of meaning

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