Muharrina Harahap, Faruk Faruk, Aprinus Salam


This study aims to discuss racism in Mandailing literature in the colonial period. The emergence of racism is motivated by the authors’ attitude in Mandailing who tend to favor their respective works. The authors came from the indigenous Mandailing (colonized community) and the Dutch colonial (invaders). This phenomenon led to a dichotomy in Mandailing literature. The Mandailing literature is divided into two: colonial literature and anti-colonial literature. To examine the phenomenon, the author uses the postcolonial paradigm. Through it, binaryism in Mandailing literature will be seen. The binaryism then brings out ambiguity in the authors. Said and Bhabha’s theories are used to show their identity ambiguity. To support the paradigm, the author uses a discursive method. This discursive method takes a discourse from several experts discussing the Mandailing literature. The statements of the experts are critically analyzed by using the postcolonial paradigm so the binaryism could be solved.



racism; post-colonial; Mandailing; Willem Iskander; Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14427

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