The Abbasid Caliphate, the longest surviving dynasty in the history of Islamic civilization reigned from 132H and collapsed in 656H (Ahmad Salabi, 1970). The unrest in the Abbasid Empire has prompted many scholars to produce their literary works in various genres both in poetry and prose. Among them is Abdullah bin al-Muqaffa’’ whose work include translating the Kalilah Wa Dimnah (KWD) from the Persian language into Arabic. He attempts to create awareness among leaders and the Abbasid community by making KWD as a medium to educate and spread good moral values. A few stories in the KWD have been analyzed by applying the concept of moral values presented by Imam al-Ghazali. Various aspects of moral values have been identified and classified based on four important elements, namely, al-Hikmah (wisdom), al-Syaja’ah (courage), Al-’Iffah (purity) and Al-’Adlu (justice). The study hopes to contribute in examining the values in KWD and guiding the readers specifically the leaders in executing their responsibilities towards the people in creating a harmonious society.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14443
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