This paper sets a clear objective that highlights the conceptual definition of optimism in learning literature, particularly fiction, across school-wide practices in the era of Industry 4.0. Learning literature, in addition to providing personal pleasure, benefits oneself and others in a way that they can expand holistic critical thinking abilities and dispositions, foster a sense of integrity and compassion, experience aesthetic transactions, and broaden perspectives in social and cultural contexts. Teacher, student, instructional material, method, evaluation and media make up the key elements that define literature learning in secondary schools. There is a wealth of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) infrastructure available to schools that combines hardware and software systems designed effectively to deliver fiction learning in secondary schools. Readiness for fiction learning within online learning environment is deemed to be high with the available elements and infrastructure of the learning concept reaching 100% and 71, 42% expansion, respectively. The technological infrastructure roll-out of online-based platforms and services shapes the bedrock of Industry 4.0, which can enrich learning resources and ultimately set directions for the optimization of literature learning in secondary schools in a practical, creative, flexible, productive, accounftable and visible manner. Gearing toward Industry 4.0 calls for globally-ranging expansion of Wireless Fidelity (Wifi) and internet penetration among students.digital-based Indonesian-literature studies navigate students toward convenient, creative, effective and innovative learning platforms. Indonesian-literature education provides input to enhance students’ language proficiency and competence, both oral and written, and to foster literary appreciation skills. Preparedness of teacher, student, instructional material, media and infrastructure, both software and hardware, can shed light into what effective and successful literature learning will look like. A combination model of visual and auditory learning preferences enhances knowledge acquisition and learning force to a more considerable extent than one learning style or another.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14444
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