I Ketut Sudewa


Different ideologies, which directly and indirectly affect the people’s lives especially those who love literary works, were expressed by W. S. Rendra through the script of his drama entitled Kisah Perjuangan Suku Naga. Therefore, it is necessary to identify what ideologies he expressed on which this current study focuses. The method applied in the study was the qualitative method focusing on the library research, meaning that the techniques applied were the reading, observation, note-taking, and interpretative techniques. The theory of semiotics was applied as the main theory, and the theory of ideology and the theory of literary sociology were applied as the supporting theories. The result of the study showed that through the script of the drama Kisah Perjuangan Suku Naga W. S. Rendra, as a writer and a society member, expressed a number of ideologies. They are the principles of economy, capitalism, land affairs, farming and leadership, and way of life and social criticism. They were all expressed using straightforward words and simple and short dialogues.


Ideology; script; drama

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14471

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