Wiyatmi Wiyatmi


This study aims to explore and identify ecofeminism ideologies that place women as guardians of nature in a number of Indonesian folklores. The goal is motivated by the existence of imaginary and empirical realities that develop in the Indonesian society about the existence of super female figures who are considered to have influence and strength in protecting nature. By using purposive sampling this study examines three main female folklores who act as carers of nature, namely Dewi Sri and Nyi Ratu Kidul. As the characters in their folklore are created by the collective reasoning of the people. The results of the study are expected to provide an overview of the existence of female leaders as guardians of nature so that the realization of human life and nature can be achieved which will guarantee the survival of life on earth.


Gender; feminism; folklore; Indonesian literature

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14472

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