Ninuk Lustyantie, Nanik Setyowati, Saifur Rohman


There are a lot of environmental problems that occur today. Ecocritics has a basic paradigm that every object can be seen in ecological networks, and ecology can be a helpful science in this critical approach. Environmental insight can be obtained through a literary work, one of which is folklore. In Indonesia, folklore makes nature and the environment a part of the story. In addition to literary works such as poetry and novels, folklore has first explored nature. In folklore, nature is described as the place of life of the characters. That way, folklore indirectly invites the audience to come into contact with environmental insights that need to be learned. The approach of this research is qualitative with the content analysis method. The research data sources are Kalimantan Folklore and Papuan Folk Stories. The folklore that is the source of this research data is the folklore of the Legend of the Stone of Bagaung (Kalimantan) and the Sasori Country, the Land of Prudence (Papua). The study of the perspective of literature (environment) in ecocritics can construct environmental wisdom itself and study the perspective of environmental literature, it can be focused on ethical studies on (1) respect for nature, (2) attitude of responsibility to nature, (3) attitude of solidarity with nature, (4) an attitude of affection and concern for nature, and (5) a non-disruptive attitude towards nature which is displayed in literary works. Through these studies, several findings regarding pollution of the water environment, habitat destruction, and management of nature or the environment have been obtained.


Environmental insights; ecocritics; folklore; literary studies

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14473

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