The use of Using language in every performance of art is a representation of identity Using as a product center that experiences continuous instability. As a matter of culture, social and political movements in Banyuwangi can be interpreted through the lyrics of Banyuwangen songs. The dynamics of power relations through the poetry of Banyuwangen songs are examined ethnographically by focusing attention on the system of knowledge possessed by the subject and how that knowledge is organized to determine action. The song “Mining Umbul-Umbul Belambangan” was created in 1974. The lyrics of the song began with a description of the geographical location of the Banyuwangi region boundary and the recognition that Belambangan (Banyuwangi) was part of the archipelago. This paper intends to analyze further the dynamics of identity in social-political movements in Banyuwangi through the poetry of Banyuwangen songs as a form of identity. During the Regent Samsul Hadi, the song was deemed relevant as a spirit to build Banyuwangi. The meaning is shifted when it is associated with the movement it proclaims, namely “Jenggirat Tangi” which seeks to arouse and revive local Using culture and traditions. Ethnographic methods are used to find out how people organize culture in their minds and then use that culture in their lives. This approach is more holistic-integrative and qualitative analysis to get a native’s point of view. In-depth interviews will collect primary and secondary data (in-depth interviews), involved observation (participant observation) and written document tracking.
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