Suryami Suryami, Erlis Nur Mujiningsih


This research was conducted with the best-selling background of the works of Tere Liye’s novel. It can be said that almost every millennial teenager in Indonesia, male or female, has at least read the work. Therefore, the problem of this research is how the works of Tere Liye as a product of the cultural industry construct the identity and lifestyle of its readers. The research method used is a qualitative method. Meanwhile, the theory used is the theory of cultural production. The results of the discussion of the best-selling works of Tere Liye are indeed in accordance with the lifestyle of millennial teenagers. These works are mass produced as one of the popular culture products taking into account the market share of the reader. These works also succeeded in constructing the reader’s identity and their lifestyle. As mentioned earlier that Tere Liye’s work had a macro impact; these works have a high economic effect. As a popular cultural work by Tere Liye, it is very dependent on marketer’s analysis. Not only depending on the quality of the work, in its production and post-production, the works of Tere Liye rely heavily on precise strategies and tactics and unique ways of meeting the needs of the market segment so that they are able to generate and explore the needs of the segment. This is what Tere Liye and his team did to make these works become idol of millennial teenagers and indirectly construct their identities and lifestyles.


Tere Liye; cultural production; market segments; millennial

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14482

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