Sri Utami


The more dominant Information Technology (IT) civilization will trigger a clash of social values in various parts of the world. Even marked by a millennial generation that creates its own literary space. Learning literature is an inner energy that is essential in human beings. The formulation of literary learning which always accommodates the possibility of differences in values that continue to move, through the Herbart model with 5 keywords and literary text material in which is suspected of bringing a variety of interests is the design of literary learning as an attitude formation. Significance of attitudinal changes in the learning process mathematically and in the framework of observations can be measured through the EPPS test which is oriented to the needs system. The stages in learning produce perceptions, comparisons, organizing the values of cultural values between figures as the identity of Malay and Non-Malay Race. The chart of the Personality Inventory Test is depicted on the graph of the negative profile and positive profit in the pretest and posttest. Well information in various social aspects is good teacher behavior because the process of adoption and internalization of human values can help the basic principles of Operant Conditioning in literary learning as character building.


Literary learning design; changes in attitude; cultural values; civilization Information Technology (IT)

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