Siamir Marulafau


This writing is entitled “The Role of Language in Literature” aims to describe how a language plays an important role in constructing literature as a medium of writing and communication in relation to culture. The theory used in writing this scientific article is Socio-cultural theory while the method used is descriptive method in library research. The writer feels sure that by using this method, he can accumulate all the data be found in terms of discussion. Through this writing, it is characterized how literary works like short stories, novels, and others be specified in literature, which cannot be separated from language, anyhow. Literature as a social science uses language and the use of language depends on what genres of literature be written by the authors. Many literary works like poetry, short story and novel are written in English and other languages like French, Dutch, Spain and Indonesian language as well, which show how important languages be used as the medium of literature, and it will be impossible for the authors to write a literary work without using language whether it is written or oral language regarding and found as the role of the language itself related to the finding of this scientific writing.


Literature; culture; language; description

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