Suwardi Endraswara


Karawitan literature can be interpreted using the perspective of literary anthropotany. The literary anthropotic perspective is an understanding of transdisciplinary literature. Inside is a combination of anthropology, botany and literature. Anthropology is usually used in the field of cultural studies. Botany usually includes the science of ecology. The combination of the three scientific areas, namely art, literature and botany embodies a transdisciplinary perspective. The steps taken are: (1) identifying musical literature that reflects botanical literature, (2) reading heuristically, on the basis of botanical aesthetic considerations of literature, (3) hermeneutic interpretation of literary poets charged with botanical literature, (4) significance (meaning) to understand aspects of the wisdom of life in the work, and (5) drawing conclusions. After going through the discussion it turns out that botany literary literature which contains botanical literature has several forms, namely: (1) sulukan, (2) carrying, (3) sindhenan, and (4) gerong. In this discussion, more study of the nature of the relationship with the Sengkuni play puppet show. Through the perspective of anthropotic literature, revealed several elements of literary plants that are widely used as aesthetics in botni sastra karawitan, namely the names of flowers, names of fruits, trees, leaves, beauty of plant panoramas, and so on. Various karawitan literary botanicals are used to accompany the shadow puppet show that characterizes Sengkuni, which contains aspects of cultivation, homology, and genealogy. The cultural message that can be gleaned through the literary literature is: (1) life must strive and act wisely, (2) humans need to maintain life balance, (3) humans must act clean, patient, honest, and not harm others, (4) having love with sincerity, and (5) if carrying out the duties of humanity must be harmonious, united, and full of sincerity. From the results of the discussion it can be concluded that karawitan literature utilizes many plant elements to convey the wisdom message of life.


life wisdom; karawitan literature; botanical literature; anthropobotany

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