The paper entitled “Acehnese’s Oral Literature as An Alternative Education Media” aims to describe Acehnese’s oral literature as a media of education. This research is a document research with a qualitative approach. The data sources of this research are pantôn, ratéb, ca-é, hadih maja, and meurukôn/meudrah. The results showed that Aceh oral literature in the form of pantôn, ratéb, ca-é, hadih maja, and meurukôn/meudrah is a type of oral literature in the form of poetry commonly used to provide a message, especially for children from the swing until they are teenagers and also advice for the general public. In pantôn, ratéb, and ca-é contain a number of values, both religious values, social values, and educational values. Religious values are found in ratéb, social values and educational values are found in pantôn and ca-é. Hadih maja and meurukôn/meudrah contain many religious values, social values, and educational values, which are used to provide life experience message, especially for adults. The value of education found in meurukôn/meudrah includes religious values and social values, and the value of education found in the form of religious values and cultural values. Thus, Acehnese’s oral literature is an educational media to teach values for children and adults.
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