Rismawati Rismawati, Hendra Kasmi


This research is entitled Women and Humanism in Acehnese Novels. The issues being discussed in this writing are women and humanism issues found in Acehnese novels. This research aims to describe women and humanism issues related how social realities being related to fictional stories. The method used in this research was descriptive-analysis with the structural approach. The resources for this research are some novels: Seuleusoh was written by D. Keumalawati, Bidadari Hitam written by T. I. Thamrin, Tungku was written by Salman Yoga, Lampuki written by Arafat Nur, and Marwah di Ujung Bara written by R. H. Fitriadi. The result of the study shows that these Acehnese novels are filled with humanist values and woman issues. Women become the iconic figures of humanities fighter in Aceh. The novels also show the reflection of what realities are on the field. The way women are portrayed in the novels is exceptionally bold, brave, fair, wise, and socialist even though facing with great obstacles.


Women; humanism; Acehnese novels

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14512

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