This study aims to describe the patriotic value in the poems of Teuku Alibasyah Talsya. The method used is the qualitative descriptive method. The data sources for this research are eight of Talsya’s poems which are (1) Hasrat, (2) Selawah Djantan (3) Tanahku, Timur, (4) Pahlawan Muda, (5) Engkau dan Aku, (6) Merdeka Tetap Merdeka (7) Kejut Tiada, and (8) Semangat Kerja. The data in this study is obtained based on the research needs, such as words, phrases, text, and fragments of the poems which have the content of patriotism. The analytical technique used is the qualitative descriptive technique. The result shows that the poems have the patriotic values such as loyalty expressed in the sense of defending the motherland, proud of the motherland, and upholding the nation. Then, gesture to sacrifice is expressed in sincerity, bravery for the interests of the nation, and actively participating in the development of country. Furthermore, the spirit appeared from his poems show full of hope, or ambition to reach the freedom. The functions of patriotism of his poems in literature learning at school are to grow the feeling of love totally to motherland, to appreciate the value of strength and hard work, to prioritize physical training for combat readiness, and total obedience to motherland.
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