Intan Zuhra


“What Did Kids Do before Television Was Invented?” is one of essays collection written by Peter C. Kratcoski in “The Contemporary Readers from Little, Brown” edited by Garry Goshgarian and published in 1984. This study was conducted to identify the local wisdom in the life experience of the Americans, especially the writer and adults who grew up in the 1940s or early 1950s. His essay gives a glimpse of how pre-TV kids filled their time. Analytical qualitative was applied in this study as document analysis. The results indicated that the local wisdom in the essay “What Did Kids Do before Television Was Invented?” contained in social values such as childhood, culture, and family. The function of local wisdom for Americans was to maintain the relationship and cultural values within society.


Local wisdom; essay; Americans; 1940-1950

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14524

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