Okky Kusuma Wardhani, Rita Inderawati, Machdalena Vianty


Literature-based approach is also named as a whole language. A whole language is an approach to learn that sees language as a whole entity, and writing, speaking, reading, and listening should be integrated when learned. This study focused on reading and writing as literacy. The aims of this study were to find out whether or not (1) there was a significant difference in literacy achievement before and after the treatment by using a literature-based approach with Tales with Gigi, (2) there was a significant difference in students’ each sub-skill literacy achievement before and after the treatment, (3) there was a significant contribution of each sub-skill of reading comprehension and writing narrative paragraph. This study applied time series design and involved 30 eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Batu as the sample. The researchers used test in collecting the data. The finding of the study revealed that 1). The mean differences between pretest and posttest were 22.5 for reading and 20.4 for writing at the significance level of p<0.05. Since t obtained was higher than t table (12.579>2.023) for reading and (18.333>2.023) for writing, it meant that H01 was rejected and there was a significant improvement in literacy achievement after they were taught by using literature-based approach, 2) the mean difference of each sub-skill of literacy achievement between pretest and posttest showed that each sub-skill was improved, and 3) the highest contribution of literacy sub-skills was given by detail (62.8%) in reading and then it was followed by the organization (41.7%) in writing. In short, this study showed a significant improvement and contribution to students’ literacy achievement by using a literature-based approach with Tales with Gigi.


Literacy; literature; application; literature based approach

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