Nurhayati Nurhayati, Subadiyono Subadiyono, Mulyadi Eko Purnomo, Didi Suhendi


This research aimed at developing a model for revitalizing Dulmuluk performing art, a special art-show from Palembang Indonesia that is almost extinct. It was a research and development research design. The method used was a modification of theories from Dick, Carey, & Carey (2015) that was adjusted with the research needs. The instruments were the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and field test. The FGD was conducted by taking the data related to needs analysis and model of the revitalization of Dulmuluk performing art. Meanwhile, a field test was for gathering data on validation of the model of Dulmuluk performing art which was formulated on the focus group discussion stage. Through FGD, it was concluded that the revitalization of Dulmuluk performing art was needed to be done. The result of FGD suggested some elements that should be considered on the developed model of revitalization. Those elements are (1) team, (2) time allotment, (3) the script, (4) director, (5) the casts, (6) makeup (7) costumes, (8) stage setting, (9) lighting, (10) music, and (11) spectacles. All elements are integrated criteria in model of revitalization Dulmuluk performing art by using a combination of structural theory and response theory. The findings from the field test showed that the Dulmuluk performing art, by applying those eleven elements, was successful and gained positive appreciation from spectacles who are academicians, writers, university students, and school students. From the research findings, it is highly recommended that sustainable revitalization of Dulmuluk performing art can be carried out by providing a coaching session for Dulmuluk art-groups in Palembang.


Traditional performing arts; Dulmuluk; structural theory; response theory

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/.v1i1.14538

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