Fitri Merawati, Niken Astuti


This research aims to find the form of inventions in Popular Islamic Literature in Indonesia since 2004 until 2015. Subjects of this study are the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta (2004) by Habiburrahman El Shirazy, the novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa (2005) by Tere Liye, novel 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa (2011) by Hanum Salsabiela Rais and Rangga Almahendra, and the novel Surga yang Tak Dirindukan (2015) by Asma Nadia. The theory used is the Formula is the theory of John G. Cawelti. This research used qualitative methods The results showed that the formula of Islamic literature was popular in Indonesia from 2004 to 2015 experienced invention in terms of themes, characters, settings, lines, and cultural influences. The theme experienced a form starting from blessed polygamy, natural disasters, travel, and polygamy based on lies. The setting of all places in Indonesia and the country that has the Muslim majority, namely Egypt then penetrated European countries where the Muslim population actually became a minority. The original plot tended to close-ended, but in the novel Surga yang Tak Dirindukan, the open ending plot was revealed. A culture that occurs in society also influences the stories presented in the novel.


Formulas; popular Islamic literature; inventions

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