Novel is a work of fiction that is built by two elements, namely intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements which simultaneously form a totality. Belenggu is a novel of the romantic genre that appeared in the period of the generation of Pujangga Baru. This novel tells the story of romance in a household that is increasingly fading and the absence of inner peace as dreamed of by everyone in a marriage. The cultural aspects of this novel were examined through the characteristics of the main characters using the psychoanalytic approach. The results showed that the cultural aspects contained in this novel were cultural values, cultural norms, science, and customs that were manifested through the id, ego, and superego according to Sigmund Freud. The cultural aspects generated by the id, ego, and superego through the characteristics of the three main characters (Sukartono, Sumartini and Siti Rohayah) in this novel were caring, discipline, honesty, and shyness. In the aspect of caring, each character satisfied his instincts both as a doctor, as a career woman, and as a scarlet woman. In the aspect of discipline, the three main figures underwent their careers with discipline, for example, as a doctor Sukartono must always checked his block note for the benefit of his patients; as a career woman Sumartini must always paid attention to the schedule of her seminars or social gathering. In the aspect of honesty, these three main characters expressed their feelings honestly whether it is a disappointment, or an encouraging thing. Another aspect was the aspect of shyness which was the nature of women. In the Belenggu novel, there were two main female characters (Sumartini and Siti Rohayah). These female characters returned to their nature. After going through prolonged mental turmoil, both of them chose to leave the man who loved them or who they loved.
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