Raudhatul Jannah, Suhartina Suhartina, Mukhlis Mukhlis


The purpose of this study is to describe characterizations in the Sirkus Pohon novel by Andrea Hirata. This research is qualitative research with genetic structuralism approach. The source of data for this research is Andrea Hirata’s Sirkus Pohon novel with research data in the form of characterizations of Sobri and Gastori. The data was collected by reading techniques and note-taking techniques. It was used dialectical analysis technique for data analysis which was formulated in six steps: choosing and selecting data, describing selected data, verifying, connecting, and analyzing characterization data with outside elements of literary work, as well as drawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that the characterization of Sobri and Gastori were motivated by the circumstances and events that occurred in Bangka Belitung, which were seen from the portrait of education, Malay culture, and the political polemic of the country.


Andrea Hirata; characterization; Sirkus Pohon; genetic structuralism

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