Muhammad Burhanudin, Agus Nuryatin


Literature is not merely a complementary activity, but it must be able to bring to a better nation civilization. Literature needs to be read and written as a medium to describe humans with various problems. Literature is created to have recreational function, didactic function, morality and even religious function. So complex is the function of literature, but reading and writing the literary works especially novel often becomes a heavy burden. For this reason, a solution is needed to increase the interest in reading and writing literature among the society. One alternative solution is by producing the literary arena. Investigating the literary arena in Central Java is an important thing to see as well as develop the literary literacy. The literary community can be used as an arena for literacy movements to make its members literate throughout life through community involvement in appreciating and expressing literature. The literary arena in the form of community and organizing a competition in Central Java is interesting to be examined in order to see literary literacy in it. The literary arena in Central Java can be a free and open market for literary quality competition to be used and disseminated. This research used qualitative method to increasing the number of literary works and to explore the productivity of the literacy arena in Central Java. Literary literacy movement certainly cannot be separated from cultural capital, social capital, symbolic capital, and aesthetic capital. For this reason, the role of government is needed to encourage the growth of literary literacy in Central Java.


Arena; literacy; community; competition

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