Sabhan Sabhan


“The poets are followed by people who go astray.” (Syaikh, 2017, p. 552) The sentence is a translation of the Qur’an (Q. 26: 224). The content states that those who follow the poets are heretical, while the poet is not declared heretical. The next verse translation is “Do you not see that they wander in every valley” (Q. 26: 225). The word valley is a quiet place (foot of the mountain, canyon, on either side of the river) which became a place for wandering poets. That does not guarantee that the poet is a good person. The following verse is translated as follows: “They like to say what they themselves do not do” (Q. 26: 226). In this verse Allah states that the poet is not good because he likes to say things that they themselves did not do. Translation of the next verse (Q. 26: 227), Allah states, “Except the people (poets) who believe and do good deeds and many mention Allah and get victory after suffering tyranny. And the wrongdoers will find out where they will return. (Syaikh, 2017, p. 552) From the verse it appears that there are good / straight poets, namely poets who believe and do good deeds and many call Allah and get victory after suffering tyranny. Whereas the wrongdoers will know their place again. From the description above we can know that poets are righteous and some are misguided. Poets are writers who make poetry, which is now also called poetry or poetry. Thus, poems exist that show goodness and some are misleading. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad said, “Hold the shaitan by you. Because the fullness of one’s throat with pus is better than being filled with poetry” (Syaikh, 2017, p. 554). This hadith expressly states that pus is better than poetry. Then what about other literary works such as prose and drama?


Literature; straight; stray

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Salmaan, K. (London, United Kingdom) le 03 Jan. 2018 (Majmoo’ al-Fataawa by Shaykh al-Islaamibn Taymiyah (20 vol.)

Syaikh, A.M. A. (Penyusun). (2017). Tafsir Ibnu Katsir. Jilid 6. Jakarta: Pustaka Imam Syafi’i.


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