The Javanese proverbs (paribasan) as part of literature contain particular implicit meanings. The aim of this study is to describe the forms of Javanese proverbs (paribasan) as part of the local wisdom that contains character education values, in addition, to reveal the benefits of these values to the youth. It deployed a descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected by selecting a number of Javanese proverbs (paribasan) available from online sources. It featured a thematic analysis technique through five stages of primary data analysis. The study deployed a thematic analysis technique through five stages of primary data analysis. Theese themes are including religious, nationalist, autonomous, mutual voluntary cooperation, and integrity. The findings revealed a number of character education values for youth contained in the Javanese proverbs (paribasan) as part of the Javanese local wisdom. The values contained in the proverbs could develop the Indonesians as the 21st century competitive golden generation with noble characters. The implication of the study is expected to create a safe, peaceful, friendly, prosperous, trustworthy, and cooperative social environment as an attempt to establish the identity of advanced and noble Indonesians.
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