Mohd. Fauzi, Denni Iskandar, Hermansyah Hermansyah, Syarifuddin Syarifuddin


This paper aims to reveal the Malay ideology contained in Nasib Melayu Poem through the hermeneutic approach. Ideology has a very significant role as the principle, way of life, and guidance to the life of the nation. Ideology in literature should have meaning for the interests of Indonesian literature with the ultimate goal of placing Indonesian people as objects as well as subjects of literature in order to interpret the development of times. The Nasib Melayu poem by Tennas Effendy raised the issue of Malay ideology from time to time. The results of the study revealed the Malay Verse of the Poem contains the values of the way of life, mindset, anxiety, and expectations of the Malays towards the journey of their destiny. The ideological problems that arise in this poem are: (1) the character of Malays who are polite, friendly, and kind, (2) Malays do not like to show their abilities in the era of show-off, (3) the progress of science and technology has eroded the value of decency, and (4) the local wisdom of Malays.


Ideology; Nasib Melayu Poem; Local Wisdom

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