The purpose of this study was to develop a model of character education at elementary schools through ecranisation-based school literacy movement. The model was compiled and developed through four stages following Plomp (1997). The research began with the identification of the main values of the characters in the film from the exposition of the Laskar Pelangi novel. Realization of the model through the determination of syntax components, social systems, support systems, instructional impacts and the accompanying effects. The validation and revision of the model by education experts and teachers at elementary school. The results showed that the character education model developed, can be realized in the form of modules and the instruments in the form of interactive media with the application of the Adobe Flas program that is valid, practical and effective to be applied in schools through literacy activities. The module contains (1) background, understanding, goals, scope, goals, and targets; (2) the stages of character education through the school literacy movement in elementary schools; (3) Development of the main values of character through ecranisation; (4) Closing. This developed model has been tested in Pengkol 1 Public Elementary School, and succeeded in improving the quality of character education etrengthening in local schools.
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